SMAC-A New Model of Delivery and Managing Healthcare

SMAC – A New Model of Delivery and Managing Healthcare | Nitor Infotech
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It is estimated that by 2030, one in every five individuals will be over 65 years of age. The advancements in medical sciences and sustaining current conditions have increased longevity. This massive shift in the US demographic is adding new challenges and requirements to providers and health systems. This has resulted in the evolution of SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) technologies, which will help healthcare players to balance the additional pressure along with increasing patient engagement and quality of care.

Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud technologies are adding a new dimension to healthcare services. The potential outcomes or benefits will increase when they are all used together rather than used in parts.

The formula for Future Healthcare is called SMAC. This will be seamlessly connected and collaborative, providing real-time information and increasing productivity.

Telehealth is one of the ideal examples of SMAC. This is a solution used for remote telecommunications consultations by healthcare providers to interact with patients and manage their care. It can range from teleconferencing between patient and provider (or provider to provider) to advanced “superior-quality voice and video interactions” with a patient’s EHR, enabling healthcare providers and patients to interact with each other. If properly implemented, telehealth can expand access and reduce costs of healthcare.

Another example includes the mobile devices that can monitor and report patient information on vital signs and manage treatment, thus eliminating the need of a physical doctor’s visit. This process can save time and money for both the patient and the healthcare provider. The ability of mobile applications to be integrated with wearable devices helps the care provider to see real-time data. Integration of medical devices that are used for point of care testing are also pushing instant results into the EHR Systems, thus reducing the overall clinical decision time.

Cloud computing is now strong enough to handle the security and privacy of patient information. It is also capable of storing massive data. Cloud service providers are taking all possible measures to address the critical issues related to compliance and regulatory standards to access and use Protected Health Information. Big Data and Analytics are also helping providers to target and develop tailor-made and automated process based on data that will be the key to quality care and ensure that patients have a positive experience.

SMAC technologies, especially, SMAC IOT, and SMAC big data are going to play a crucial role in future Healthcare reforms. Some important areas in which they might be useful include care coordination and digital healthcare payments. These technologies will enable a smooth transformation to a new model of delivery and managing healthcare.

Note: This article has references from Directory of Technology- Telehealth Healthcare IT

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